震精!!!我最爱的Scorpion蝎子乐队宣布解散了,靠!!! 终结40年辉煌
本帖最后由 andyfuyao 于 2010-1-27 17:52 编辑Scorpion蝎子乐队宣布解散 终结40年辉煌蝎子乐队, 解散, 德国, 摇滚
posted on Sunday, January 24, 2010 at 3:13:36 AM
It was always our pleasure, our purpose in life, our passion and we were fortunate enough to make music for you - whether it was live on stage or in the studio, creating new songs.
While we were working on our album these past few months, we could literally feel how powerful and creative our work was – and how much fun we were still having, in the process. But there was also something else: We want to end the Scorpion’s extraordinary career on a high note. We are extremely grateful for the fact that we still have the same passion for music we’ve always had since the beginning. This is why, especially now, we agree we have reached the end of the road. We finish our career with an album we consider to be one of the best we have ever recorded and with a tour that will start in our home country Germany and take us to five different continents over the next few years.
We want you, our fans, to be the first to know about this. Thank you for your never-ending support throughout the years!
We uploaded the very first snippets from our new album for you.
And now… let’s get the party started and get ready for a “Sting in the Tail”!
See you on the world tour,
Yours Scorpions
http://www.8box.com/feed/200_000000_s_175267_1/radio.swf 我要去看他们的巡演!!! aizhitan_47 喔喔喔~ 我来这里慢慢欣赏~ 你居然连我最爱的沙发都抢走了~ 不要理我,我是来赚积分的。 不知道他们....孤陋寡闻啦
恩。。欣赏音乐啦 蝎子的主场总是戴着他那顶帽子,不知道是不是和岸部一样,都是秃顶,呵呵
话说回来,蝎子的音乐真的是不错,听过一些,看过现场的演唱会录像,很棒,选择在顶峰的时期解散也算是明智的选择。 杯具 哎~~~怎么解散了
尤其是那首ALWAYS SOMEWHERE的现场版 最喜欢wind of change 个人比较喜欢他们的hoilday. 还好