Pete Seeger《Where Have All The Flowers Gone》于1919年Pete Seeger出生于美国俄克拉荷马。他组织了民谣史上赫赫有名的“纺织工”乐队(The Weavers)。50年代初,麦卡锡主义猖獗一时,Pete被列入了黑名单,可幸运的是这时他遇到了爵士、布鲁斯音乐发掘者约翰.哈门德(John Hammond)这位颇具慧眼和胆识的伯乐签下了这支乐队。从此,Pete Seeger开始了他半个世纪的音乐之旅。从最初的“纺织工”乐队起,Pete就坚持制作纯正的民谣。这一点反映在他选用的乐器上,即便在日后,民谣被普遍化的阶段里,他依然矢志不渝地使用着原声吉他与班卓琴。确实,要配合他清澈、透亮的声线和时疾时缓、富有张力的演唱风格,复杂远不如简单更具表现力和感染力。在创作上,他反对制造权威,主张音乐的魅力在于富有个性色彩的诠释,这种虚怀若谷、从善如流的态度令后世的音乐家敬仰不已。 {:8_495:} 这是一首反战的歌曲!先是一首反战诗,后来在二战中被人谱曲传唱,在美国很流行.where have all the flowers gone? 花落何处
where have all the flowers gone, long time passing?花儿飘到什么地方去了? 过了很久.
where have all the flowers gone, long time ago?花儿飘到什么地方去了?很久之前啊.
where have all the flowers gone?花儿飘到底到什么地方去了
young girls have picked them everyone年轻女孩每人都拣起了一朵呢....
oh when will they ever learn哦,他们何时才能明白?
oh when will they ever learn?哦,他们到底何时才能明白啊?
where have all the young girls gone, long time passing?姑娘们去哪里了? 又过了很久
where have all the young girls gone, long time ago?姑娘们去哪里了?很久之前就走了.
where have all the young girls gone?姑娘们到底到什么地方去了
gone to their husbands everyone!都去丈夫那里了
oh when will they ever learn哦,他们何时才能明白
oh when will they ever learn?哦,他们到底何时才能明白啊?
where have all the husbands gone, long time passing?丈夫们去哪里了?很长时间过去了
where have all the husbands gone, long time ago?丈夫们去哪里了?很久之前就走了
where have all husbands gone丈夫们到底去了哪里?
gone to soldiers, everyone!全都入伍了...每个人....
oh when will they ever learn哦,他们何时才能明白?
oh when will they ever learn?哦,他们何时才能明白?啊
and where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?入伍的士兵都哪里去了? 又过了很久
where have all the soldiers gone, a long time ago?入伍的士兵都哪里去了?很久之前就走了
where have all the soldiers gone? 入伍的士兵到底都哪里去了
gone to graveyards, everyone!他们都进了坟地。。。
oh when will they ever learn哦,他们何时才能明白?
oh when will they ever learn?哦,他们何时才能明白?啊
and where have all the graveyards gone, long time passing? 坟地都去了哪里?又过了很久
where have all the graveyards gone, long time ago? 坟地都去了哪里啊?很久没见了
where have all the graveyards gone? 坟地都怎么样了啊?
gone to flowers, everyone!全都开满了鲜花。。。盛开的鲜花
oh when will they ever learn哦,他们何时才能明白?
oh when will they ever learn?哦,他们何时才能明白? 挺有味道的歌!!!!!!!!!!!! aizhitan_new_25 水了半天怎么还没50啊 令人敬佩的老家伙 令人伤感的歌 在这坛广告原来可以随便上 好听。。。。。 赞 很感人的一首歌。 aizhitan_new_31 嗯 不要和我抢最后一名aizhitan_new_18 哈哈哈 纺织工?~ o,又放不出来